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IMTEC Impression Cap (Coping), used to take an impression of the implants in the patient's mouth. ..
LewTM 3.0 mm Multi-Platform Impression Cap (Coping), used to take an impression of the implants in t..
Lew™ O-Ball Impression Cap (Coping), used to take an impression of the implants in the patient's mou..
Park Dental Aligners™ Impression Kit Kit Includes: • 2 Sets of Impression (4 total) A p..
StarVent™ Hexed Closed Tray Impression PostCompatible with the Startanius™ NRI System ..
StarVent™ MT Hexed Closed Tray Impression Post Kit. (includes impression post, attachment screw, and..
StarVent MT/XP Hexed Open Tray Impression Post Kit. (includes impression post and open tray screw)In..
StarVent™ Multi-Unit Impression Coping..
StarVent™ Non-Hexed Closed Tray Impression PostCompatible with the Startanius™ NRI System&..
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