Nine out of ten people have teeth that are at least slightly misaligned, or maloccluded, and could benefit from orthodontic treatment options like clear aligners. Some may be afraid of paying hefty prices, while others may be unaware that this treatment is even an option for them. Regardless, there are patients out there for your practice to target who need your clear aligner services. If you’re having problems attracting clear aligner patients, check out these tips to effectively market to them and help them place trust in your practice.


1. Educate Your Team

Even if a team member may not be directly involved in your clear aligner services, it is still important for them to be knowledgeable of your practice’s service offerings. If someone calls your office manager on the phone, they should at least know the basics of the treatment to be able to help them see the benefit of having an aligner consultation. In addition, this gives them the ability to refer your clear aligner services while away from the office when they see an opportunity. An employee incentive program could help in attracting clear aligner patients as well; for every person they bring in for services, they could receive a bonus. Some clinicians offer referral programs as well as treatments for staff members so they can understand the process and be better able to talk to patients about it.


2. Update Your Online Profiles

Your website should list all your service offerings, especially the services you are looking to attract business for. A simple pop-up on the site or addition to the homepage can push this service to be top-of-mind for patients checking out your practice. Having clear aligner services on your site will also help with your SEO, and people looking for clear aligner services online can be led to your office organically. Aside from your website, your business listings that include your services should be updated. Whether it’s a Google My Business or Yelp page, updating these with clear aligner offerings will help patients who are looking for that type of treatment find you. Don’t forget to also post on social media and send out e-newsletters to attract clear aligner patients!


3.  Make Your Marketing Dollars Count

You don’t need a huge budget to attract clear aligner patients; you just need to do some research. Think about what type of patients would be in the market for clear aligners. You can do something as simple as putting up fliers in your local coffee shop or using in-office brochures to draw attention. Partnering with a local influencer can also help you tap into this audience and may be as simple as comping their aligner fees. Get creative, but don’t spend thousands of dollars on a billboard that may not earn your revenue back.


4.  Use Testimonials Wisely 

Once you have some foot-traffic for your clear aligner services, always try to get a testimonial from each patient. This will help tremendously with establishing trust and building a reputable name for your office. Testimonials can be used on your website, for marketing materials, and more. Plus, the more testimonials you get, the more reliable your practice becomes, and you’ll be attracting even more clear aligner patients in no time.


5. Offer a Free Consultation

Nothing draws the eye like the word “free” and offering a free 30-minute consultation can help you attract clear aligner patients. For those who are hesitant about clear aligner services, you can help ease their worries with a simple Zoom call or in-office visit. Any concerns that could be deterring someone from getting clear aligners can be addressed with no out of pocket cost, and this will help you build trust with patients by having a face-to-face conversation.


All in all, if you’re looking to attract more clear aligner patients, you also need to be partnered with an aligner company that delivers results. By partnering with Park Dental Aligners, you can make the clear aligner process fast and simple. We’ll integrate into your practice seamlessly and provide an affordable solution to a beautiful smile. Learn more about Park Dental Aligners and how we can help you in attracting clear aligner patients.

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